"We love because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19 NIV)
If you frequent a coffee house or restaurant with your small group (or go there on your own) and the wait staff discovers you follow Jesus through relationships built, you will be looked upon by how well you tip. If you under tip (less than 15%), you'll be viewed as cheap, and more so unloving. Is that the impression you want to convey to the community? Or by tipping well, is that just one way in which Christ followers can share with others the love given to them by Jesus? The Spirit may very well use the practice of good tipping to open up conversation for the good news of Jesus to be heard.
A practical tip (no pun intended...lol!) - Even if I use a debit card to pay for my coffee and donut, I'm still dropping 4 quarters in the tip jar (the clanking of coins can help a barista know you are contributing).
"...God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV)
What will be your next step in being a cheerful tipper?
What suggestions on this subject matter do you have? What other areas do people similarly watch each other's actions in the community? With the Spirit's lead, empowered by God's Word, let's figure this stuff out together! Please share your comments.